Wednesday, August 29, 2012

What A Day I've Had!!!

Wel,it's true!This was an easy day for me because I'm awake on only less than 8 hours of sleep.I'd usually be throwing fits right now but it wouldn't work for me,so I just ordered some things from Avon.Com today & that took care of it,besides emptying the dishwasher late!After I post,I'm off to sleepland for the night & then tomorrow I'll start the day anew.well,that's it for now.I'll post again later.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

It's Been One Week Since My Ward's Summer Party!!!

Well,it's been one week since my ward's summer party.That was fun for the adults as well as the kids.I found out on Facebook that a little boy whom I used to teach in my ward's primary named Kellen Kawa was having breathing trouble & went to the hospital.He's supposed to or probably is home by now.I wish you well,Kellen(and to smile as well).This was the best time of all to be had(Ice Cream,Cake,Etc.).It was the time for catching up on gossip,etc.My ward's bishop was there & got himself soaked with water,but he did have fun as well.I went with my 1st counselor's wife & her kids.Her baby girl,Olivia,takes to me very well now.She's such a well mannered baby & loves to have fun with her food.Well,I'll post more tomorrow!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Most Fun Night I've Ever Had!!!

Well,this is what I did on Saturday night!Yep!A summer party that my ward had put on,so I thought that I'd go & just have fun & take pictures.The one on the bottom is of a family named the Carpenters.It's very true!We have a family with the last name of Carpenter in our ward or living back in our ward.The 2nd to the bottom is a picture of my neighbor's only daughter named Madison Brown & she's about 2 years old & such a cutie!it was so much fun!They were playing football & having a water game for the kids,but my bishop got involved & was wet(very).Well,I'll post more tomorrow night!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Very Best Gift Of All Happened Tonight!!!

Well,I had the very best gift of all come to me tonight & that was calling my Aunt Nancy(my Dad's sister)& just talking to her to ler her know that I'm doing o.k.I'm not crying sad tears right now,but happy ones.It's been over 10 years since we spoke to each other & it was such a very good conversation,but she didn't call me.I called her.We spoke for over an hour & it was very good to hear her voice.It was my brother Mike's idea that I should call her & I did that just tonight.She's my favorite Aunt & nothing will stop me from loving her.Nothing at all.Over a week ago,I found out about my adopted cousin,Jodi & was asking about her & how she was doing.This is the very best gift I could ever ask for.Well,my family is the very best gift that I could ever ask for right now.If I didn't have my family,I wouldn't know where I'd be.Well,I'll post more tomorrow.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Today Was Just Any Other Day!!!

Well,today was just like any other day for me.Laundry,Dishes,etc.Maybe tomorrow will be different for me(maybe not).It's a wait & see period for now.I've been going onto Facebook lately & have been posting my pictures from my tablet whenever I can get the chance to do it.A week ago last Thursday,I did some artwork for my sister Megan & when she got home from work that evening,we put some vinyl flowers on the pictures that were painted over with white paint & hung them in the loft between 2 chairs on the wall & I've been getting some really good comments on Facebook about them & I'm very impressed with what I can do with just a little paint,some vinyl flowers & some time & patience.I never knew that I could really do something like that & what it could turn out to be.Who knows,this could be my little niche in life to do!I've just got to think about what I want to make & I'll be able to do it!This took me over 2 hours to make as well!My sister put a mirror between the 2 pictures & it still looks good!I'll blog or post more tomorrow!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

It's Been A Week Since I Blogged!!!

Well,it's been a week since I blogged,so here goes.Today was just an ordinary day for me except I colored my hair to get rid of the or my gray hair.Yes,gray hair!!!I'm 48 years old & I've got gray hair until today.I'd say it's a big difference!!!I also did it because I definitely needed a change of pace.Gray hair?Hah!!!It's gone for now!!!Well,I'll blog more tomorrow for sure!!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Today Was An Easy Day!!!

Well,today was an easy day for me.I got the recycling emptied as well as the dishwasher & ride my bike.I also went on Facebook the other night & I found out about one of my adopted cousins having stage 2 breast cancer & is undergoing chemotherapy.I wish her all the best that she'll be better soon & that it's in remission.A week ago last Sunday,I called one of my Dad's cousins named Martha Hatch & she was so glad to hear from me.It's been over 5 years since we've spoken & she mentioned that my favorite cousin,Cathy,was in town visiting friends & family.I told my Dad's cousin,Martha,that I was doing o.k.Boy,was she surprised to really hear from me & it was good to hear from her as well.Well,I'll either blog or post more later on tonight or tomorrow.